Frede Bian
Tel: (86) 10-5632 8682
Aon-COFCO is the leading insurance provider in the Chinese entertainment industry. As part of Aon plc’s entertainment practice, we have more than 100 dedicated entertainment insurance specialists based in Beijing, Los Angeles, New York, Toronto, and the United Kingdom.
Many film and television directors, producers and other investors are drawn to China for its rich heritage, alluring locations and exciting stories. However, investors must understand all the possible financial exposures that might occur before they dive into China’s entertainment industry. A comprehensive insurance and risk management program can protect your business from cost overruns due to cast injury/illness/death, to loss of negatives, equipment damage, producer’s liability, and small damage to props, sets, etc.
Aon-COFCO Entertainment places all lines of insurance required by film and TV productions, including:
Aon-COFCO is part of Aon plc’s leading position as the largest global provider of risk management and insurance brokerage
to the entertainment industry. Aon-COFCO entertainment insurance experts provide solutions for many of the largest film and television productions in China. Aon-COFCO works shoulder-to-shoulder with dedicated industry professionals in China to ensure a sustainable growth the Chinese television and film industry.
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